Top 6 Weirdest Reptiles on the Planet

6. Rubber Boa


British Columbia, Canada is not a place you’d think of when searching for members of the boa group of snakes. However, a small constrictor known as the rubber boa has a range that includes sections of British Columbia’s interior. The brown snakes have the ability to control their temperatures, which is unusual for reptiles. The resemblance to a miniature anaconda is noticeable despite the creature’s limited size of around 18 inches. The boa may live for up to 70 years and can be found in a wide range of habitats. Nicknamed the “two headed snake,” the rubber boa has an enlarged tail that can be used as a decoy for defense. The tail may also bear scars from mice bites due to the snake’s use of its tail to hold off adults while emptying mouse nests of young.

5. Rough Backed Litter Snake


The rough backed litter snake, also known as the dragon snake, is a one of a kind snake in a distinct genus. This bizarre snake is a rare, completely nocturnal species that feeds almost entirely on frogs. The creature is black, lengthy and readily distinguishable by its bizarre, widely spaced scales that give it a studded appearance. The snake is considered to be a more primitive snake species with a unique set of scales that include spiked and plate-like sections protruding a considerable length from the snake’s body. The creature is native to Thailand, Burma and Indonesia, and is starting to attract more attention in the scientific community due to its bizarre appearance and fascinating history.

4. Mata Mata Turtle


Most turtles are rather innocuous looking creatures. However, the mata mata turtle from South America’s Amazon is definitely one of the exceptions. Growing to a fair size, the prehistoric looking creature has an extraordinary, snake like neck that allows it to reach out and devour passing prey. Waterbirds, other reptiles, invertebrates and fish may be seized in powerful jaws that contain gripping and cutting teeth. The biting force and its effect on humans is little known, but we wouldn’t recommend an encounter. Living alongside piranhas and river dolphins, the mata mata has been called the most bizarre turtle in the world.

3. African Egg-eating Snakes


Snakes are renowned for their ferocity and fast strikes. However, African egg-eating snakes take a much slower and humbler approach to feeding. Raiding bird nests for their eggs, these snakes swallow them whole with their hinged jaws. There are only two groups of egg-eating snakes, African and Indian, and they’ve evolved independently. The absence of traditional snake teeth in these soft mouthed reptiles is compensated for by the presence of knobbed extensions along their backbone. The unusual adaptation seen in these reptiles adds to their oddity as they swallow bird eggs in an awkward manner. When eggs are swallowed, these “spine teeth” crack the egg open as it nears the stomach.

2. Legless Lizards


In nature, some things aren’t what they seem. It would be perfectly understandable for you to see a legless lizard and believe it to be a snake. Measuring up to an incredible four feet, the European legless lizard has considerable biting power and hunting skills that allow them to bring down a wide range of prey. Despite the lack of legs, lizard traits such as longitudinal stripes, ear openings behind the eyes and a noticeably flattened head remain. European legless lizards feed extensively on snails, and often wipe their nose on the ground to rid themselves of slime after feeding.

1. Chinese Softshell Turtles


The very definition of a turtle seems to be a hard shelled creature. However, the Chinese softshell turtle has a leathery shell and a rather blob-like form that combines with a curious looking nose and splayed feet. The turtles may reach a length of just over a foot and will forage on a wide range of prey. They sport a particularly grotesque physical adaptation — the ability to urinate through their mouths. Chinese softshells are garnering increased attention from scientists due to their ability to orally expel urea while submerged in the water. This method prevents water loss and excessive salt buildup and helps the turtles live in their brackish water environment.

By Travelmania Posted in Science

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