Top 10 Dangerous Foods for Dogs

Jordon Walker loves dogs and lived with them as pets since he was a kid. His years of experience being exposed to them are one of the reasons why he wants to share his passion in Coops And Cages and in other blogs. In here, he discusses the to 10 foods dogs shouldn’t eat.

Most pet dogs crave for what their human companions are eating. Thus, it is fine to give your dog some special scrap, but you have to be careful of foods that are dangerous to it. Even if you don’t give it scraps, it might still be able to consume unwanted stuffs, especially if it has the habit of rummaging through trash cans, cupboards and kitchen counters. If you suspect your dog may have eaten dangerous food, contact your veterinarian immediately. You can also train your dog not to consume those you know are harmful to it.

Be careful as your dog might get access to the foods below.

1. Chocolate, Coffee, and Caffeine

Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical toxic to dogs, overstimulating their nervous system and heart. It causes a real hazard that can make them ill and may even kill them. It also causes a slight increase in blood pressure. Humans can easily digest theobromine but dogs and other animals cannot metabolize this chemical compound. As a result, the undesirable effects include diarrhea, vomiting, frequent urination, dehydration, digestive problems and seizures.

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2. Grapes and Raisins

The toxic agent present in raisins and grapes have yet to be discovered. However, clinical signs related to its effects can occur in one day of eating. That includes vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness. Dogs can experience those in about 24 hours. After a day, they may become lethargic, anorexic and depressed. Also, they refuse to eat, resulting to painful abdomen. It may also stop drinking followed by absent urination in later stages. The kidney failure may occur within three to four days, and many dogs will die if not treated aggressively. Successful treatment requires immediate veterinary treatment to maintain good urine flow.

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3. Garlic and Onions

Onion and garlic poisoning results in oxidative damage to the red blood cells. It makes the red blood cells rupture and lose their ability to carry oxygen effectively. Affected dogs may seem weak or they may get tired easily after mild exercise. These dogs should be examined immediately. In serious cases, blood transfusions may be necessary.

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4. Rawhide Chews

Rawhide chews may contain high amounts of toxic chemicals. E. coli contamination can also occur. Another risk is digestive irritation. This can cause problems like diarrhea. Thus, rawhide must be taken away to prevent your dog from swallowing large pieces of it. It could possibly get stuck in the esophagus or other parts of the digestive tract.

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5. Xylitol
Xylitol is an artificial sugar-free sweetener typically found in chewing gums, mints, foods (e.g., pudding and gelatin snacks, etc.), candy and toothpaste. It is harmful to dogs because it causes a sudden release of insulin in the body that leads to a fast and relentless drop in blood sugar levels. Xylitol can also damage a dog’s liver. Within half an hour, the dog may encounter disorientation, seizures and may vomit after ingestion. Some dogs that swallow large amounts of xylitol-containing products can have liver failure.
6. Macadamia Nuts

6. Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are common in candies and chocolates. The macadamia nut’s toxicity mechanism can be quite vague, but clinical signs in dogs include depression, tiredness, vomiting, shaking, joint pain, and pasty gums. Clinical manifestations can be observed 12 hours after eating but in other cases, signs will gradually subside over 24 to 48 hours without treatment.

Most nuts are dangerous to dogs.

8. Bread Dough.

Yeast of bread dough can be poisonous to dogs. When raw dough or yeast is swallowed, it can cause some serious damage because the raw dough expands in the stomach’s warm environment that acts as an oven and encourages the dough to continue rising. As a result, they may experience a bloated stomach. As the yeast colonies grow, it can expand the stomach and produce gas in the digestive tract and fermentation that can cause alcohol poisoning

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9. Fast Food

Foods that have high levels of fat, salt and sugar can cause mild stomach upset or diarrhea and constipation. Some people feed their dogs lots of treats in the form of fast food. There are so many diseases your dog can experience if it eats too much of it. Pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas) is among the diseases your dog may encounter. It is caused by high amounts of fat and calcium in the diet. Most fast foods are high in lipids and place the animals that eat them at risk.

10. Nutmeg

Foods that have high levels of fat, salt and sugar can cause mild stomach upset or diarrhea and constipation. Some people feed their dogs lots of treats in the form of fast food. There are so many diseases your dog can experience if it eats too much of it. Pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas) is among the diseases your dog may encounter. It is caused by high amounts of fat and calcium in the diet. Most fast foods are high in lipids and place the animals that eat them at risk.

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Upon learning these top 10 most dangerous foods for dogs, it’s now time to apply your knowledge. Even if your pet is one of the most popular dog breeds, you now know that it can still be struck by unwanted diseases if you’re not careful with what you feed it.

By Travelmania Posted in History