Top Five Best Creepypastas on the Internet

 5. Squidward’s Suicide aka Red Mist

Again, we have a story based around something innocent, meant for children. This one is best listened to because the music and ambiance are actually enough to make it plausible. The legend goes that an unaired episode of Spongebob Squarepants depicts a very depressed and forlorn Squidward coming to a decision. It’s creepy, it’s eerie, and it definitely shines a whole new light on our pineapple-dwelling porous friend. After you’ve watched it, you can read the story here.

4. The Russian Sleep Experiment

Shirking the typical format, this one tells of inhumane experiments on prisoners. Deprived of sleep and proper living conditions, these men start to change in horrifying ways and seem to almost devolve. Even though it’s told in a more authoritarian tone, it is still very creepy, especially because insane experiments really did take place during the cold war era in all parts of the world. It reminds us how messed up the world can really be, and how little we know about our own limitations

3. BEN Drowned

Gamers all know this one, probably by heart. It’s the story of a haunted Zelda cartridge that gets more and more insane. It first made the rounds as a true story, as most urban legends do, and there even exist debunking videos. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, game glitches can be creepy late at night as you sit in your room sleep deprived and completely caught up in the story of a good game. All it really takes is one out of place NPC, seeming just a bit too aware and alert to make you uneasy. Here’s the supposed gameplay footage.

2. Candle Cove

Creepypastas seem to have a thing about kids. Shorter ones often involve a little kid doing something weird and unnerving. This one however, takes a whole new approach. It’s a story in the form of a question. Do you remember Candle Cove? It unfolds as people recount odd and disturbing moments from the show that seemed to be coopting little kids. It’s creepy because it’s presented as a casual conversation, the kind we have every day, reliving childhood moments with an adult disposition.

1. The Rake, Goatman, and Slenderman

These three entities are far and away the creepiest and most well-known legends of the internet. They share a lot of features like coming out at night to stalk children and weak-willed adults. They have strange, elongated and stretched out appearances though they can pass when they need to, and are often accompanied by odd happenings, like fog, strange smells, or time loss. They also each come with a rich and vivid history of hauntings and sightings throughout history, and have transcended forum posts to become real, mainstream myths and legends. They’ve spawned stories, inspired movies, and have wound their way into the collective consciousness of the internet as ever-present boogeymen waiting for you to drop your guard.

The Rake Top Ten Best Creepypastas on the Internet

slender man mn 1140 4a3d8e1389c7d51f2382ec60cc96ae54 Top Ten Best Creepypastas on the Internet

If you ever have that feeling at night, like somebody is watching you through a darkened window, you know, like when you have the lights on and all you can see is yourself? If you ever have that feeling, that maybe your reflection is hiding something else, something sinister, something you can’t quite imagine but definitely feel, well, you just might be right.

By Travelmania Posted in Tips

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