Top 9 Discontinued Sodas

9. Crystal Pepsi

Being a Coca-Cola fan, I had to put that one first but it comes in close to Crystal Pepsi being another favorite that has been discontinued. This was available for just a short time between 1992 to 193 but apparently, it was sold for a longer time period in Europe. This was even sold in Australia but for a shorter time then in the USA. Maybe the one reason why this failed was because it was caffeine-free. Imagine, hearing about Pepsi coming out with a new flavor then to your disappointment, you look at the soda can and realize it’s caffeine free and you then put it back on the shelf and go towards the Pepsi that has caffeine in it, even if it’s not the new flavor.

Crystal pepsi Top 10 Discontinued Sodas

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8. Vault

It was a sad day for me when I found out that Vault was no longer going to be available. Next to the Coca-Cola Black Cherry Vanilla soda this was one of my favorite soft drinks. Back in June 2005, the Coca-Cola company released this drink but due to the sales dropping, they stopped marketing it in December of 2011. They had lots of varieties similar to Vault but this one was my favorite. Mountain Dew and Mello Yellow just doesn’t compare to Vault.

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7. Pepsi Vanilla

Why the heck did Pepsi discontinue the awesome Pepsi Vanilla? I loved this drink! I liked it about as much as Coca-Cola Black Cherry Vanilla. Maybe I’m just a fan of vanilla soft drinks. Just like with the other soft drinks, there are lots of varieties available to this one that you can still buy today but there was just something that made this one special. Maybe what made this soft drink so great was that it was made with real sugar. I would love Pepsi forever if they brought this one back again. Later on they did have Cherry Vanilla Pepsi but they also discontinued that one.

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6. Pitch Black Mountain Dew

A lot of people didn’t like it when this soft drink was discontinued. In fact, it was so popular and people miss it that it was returned again back in 2011 for a short time. If you remember, they released this in 2004 just in time for Halloween. You might be nervous at first trying a name that sounds so scary but maybe that was part of its success. The soda drink was a mix of not only dew but also had a hint of grape citrus.

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5. Sprite Remix

Why does it seem as if a lot of soda drinks that never make it happen to be caffeine free? This was caffeine free just like Crystal Pepsi. The soda itself was colorless. Some of the other flavors in the Sprite remix series include Sprite Tropical Remix, Sprite Aruba Jam Remix and the Sprite Berryclear Remix. Now, I will admit the Berryclear was awesome and out of those three flavors, the tropical remix was the most popular one.

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4. Super Mario Bros. Soda

Maybe Shasta thought that if they released a soda and called it the Super Mario Bros. that it would sale great, but sadly, it failed. There was just enough interest in it and the ratings on it where low so they had to discontinue the drink. They also had tried to do the Luigi Berry soda drink and the Yoshi Apple plus the Toadstool Cherry. Come on, really Toadstool Cherry? I never tried that one but if I saw Toadstool Cherry next to Super Mario Bros soda, I would grab the Super Mario Bros. soda drink first! Why not name it Princess Cherry?

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3. Rondo

I have to include a drink that was from the 70’s and 80’s! People say about the only thing that made this drink popular was the slogan. A lot of people didn’t like the fact that it was just blended with a lot of essences that was fine. It was a citrus flavored soft drink. Today, you will find that Australia actually has one similar under the name of Solo.

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Photo Source: extinctproducts.blogspot.coml

2. New York Seltzer

This was another drink in the 80’s then it was discontinued in the early 90’s. Randy and Alan Miller made a line of non-caffeinated sodas and said that these sodas had both colors and natural flavors in them. Some of the flavors include raspberry, root beer, black cherry, vanilla cream, lemon and lime plus strawberry. They discontinued them from the sales dropping back in the 90’s.

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1. Hubba Bubba Soda

The Wrigley Company at one point made a Hubba Bubba Bubble Gum Soda Soft Drink. This was a very popular drink in high school before it was discontinued. Steve Roeder was the one who came up with this idea. A lot of people were disappointed when they stopped making this drink.

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By Travelmania Posted in Science